Fotis Zaprasis was one of the many uncounted people, who were swept away by the turmoil of the 20th century. The tragedy of all of those shaken lives lies in the mercilessness with which great events affected individuals, and in the uproot existence and lost orientation they left behind long after the storms blew over. The artist, too, was loaded down by events happened to him in the past. But he found one way to make sure of himself: the art. In the conscious punctuation of allegories and metaphors or in the accidental concurrence of shapes and colours he groped his way forward and back, out- and inwards. Much remained uncertain, questioned, and beset by doubts in himself. Only one thing was certain: the being-on-the-way together with the entailed restlessness, and also with new possibilities between homelike foreign parts and strange home, in the middle of realities and imaginations.
This little book wants to be an homage: To the artist Fotis Zaprasis and his way, on which he opened himself several worlds, and to the art, which reveals him and us these worlds – for all its severity – in its essence as acceptable, comforting and after all as very beautiful.
2007, 144 pages, paperback, many reproductions of Zaprasis’ works, 22 x 24 cm,
Text in German and Greek; ISBN: 978-3-938533-06-2