Digital reproductions of documents from the Marburg photo-archive of older original deeds – DIGUB 4 (German Edition)
The Hohenstaufen dynasty did not only control the course of politics within Germany over more than 100 years, it also influenced strongly – especially under its most famous Emperors Frederic I and his grandson Frederic II – the history of Italy. Because of the marriage of Henry VI with the Norman king’s daughter Constance, the dynasty took over rule over the Norman kingdom Sicily and therefore belonged to the most powerful monarchs of the Western Occident.
Altogether, this volume presents 35 imperial and royal deeds issued by members of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, from Conrad III to Conradin, who was executed as the last ruler of his lineage in Naples in 1268. The deeds give a wide-ranging insight into the development of the layout and the acts of volition, representing the power of their issuer during the 12th/13th centuries. Highlights as the first mention of Munich in the famous controversy of Otto, bishop of Freising, and the duke of the Welfs, Henry the Lion, in 1158, or the so-called Würzburg duke’s charter from 1168 are found as well as simple briefs, which indicate, how effectively administration under the Hohenstaufen dynasty could work.
See also:
Italian edition of DIGUB 4: Diplomi imperiali e reali degli Svevi (1138–1268) (below)
Study-Edition, cardboard-portfolio – content identically equal to Library-Edition
2010, 35 tables, 10 pages – format: DIN A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), ill. black and white;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-35-2