The manuscript of the “Institutiones” in the Wallraf-collection of the Historical Archive of Cologne – Facsimile-edition and commentary

Martin Avenarius]



The “Institutiones” is a textbook published by the Eastern-Roman Emperor Justinian (527–565). It had the force of law. As part of the “Corpus Iuris Civilis” it belong to the most important texts in European legal history. The manuscript in Cologne, one of the significant copies of this work, contains not only the main text, but also an apparatus of explanatory glosses and an elaborately designed tree of family relationships (arbor cognationum). Therefore, the Cologne-manuscript shows important evidence of medieval teaching in law, and this is the reason, that this facsimile-edition presents the wording of the law in that form, in which jurists studied it during the Middle Ages.

A commentary on the manuscript, on the “Institutiones”, and on their influence provides access to the work, which appeared within the series “Announcements of the municipal archive of Cologne, Special series: Manuscripts of the Archive, issue XI”.

2008, 184 pages, hardcover, facsimile-edition (119 coloured illustrations, one scheme), commentary (64 pages), 20.4 x 33 cm;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-19-2

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Weight 1.03 kg

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