The union between the East Frankish and the Italian Regnum formed since 962 the core of the western Empire. The Regna were governed not only by personal union, but also interleaved by diverse personal connections at the level of social leadership-groups (including meetings of the rulers with members of the northern- and southern-alpine elites in places on both sides of the Alps, ”mixed” staff-structures at the royal court, filling of a vacancies of dioceses in Italy with northern-alpine clergy and sometimes vice versa). For the study of the different degrees of integration of the regional spiritual and secular elites into the internal sphere of imperial and royal rule, the rulers’ deeds (diplomas) represent the most important group of sources. They are legal, political, and exclusive documents, integrated into the usual oral and demonstrative forms of communication between the elite-members and the ruler.
In this volume, articles focuses on the comparison of the current relevance and the aftereffect of original diplomas to northern- and southern-alpine addressees. The relations between originals, forgeries, certified copies, and chartularies have not been researched so far. For this purpose, this volume will provide basic principles.
Articles are also available in print. In the table of contents below you can find the price of the single articles (incl. VAT and postage). If you would like to order, please write an e-mail to us ( or call us (0049 / +341 / 22 88 582).
Table of contents:
Wolfgang Huschner: Einleitung
Theo Kölzer: Cui bono? Beobachtungen zur Wirksamkeit von Urkundenfälschungen (17.00 Euro)
François Bougard: Les actes souverains dans les notices de plaids italiennes: originaux, copies, faux (12.00 Euro)
Corinna Mezzetti: La tradizione dei diplomi dell’abbazia di Pomposa del sec. XI: copie antiche e transunti quattrocenteschi della commenda estense (17.00 Euro)
Giacomo Vignodelli: Prima di Leone. Originali e copie di diplomi regi e imperiali nell’Archivio Capitolare di Vercelli (17.00 Euro)
Antonella Ghignoli: “Die Geschichte jeder Urkunde”. Diplomi in originale, diplomi in copia negli archivi di destinatari della Toscana orientale (17.00 Euro)
Mark Mersiowsky: Früh- bis spätmittelalterliche Kopien karolingischer Diplome für „deutsche“ und „österreichische“ Empfänger (12.00 Euro)
Wolfgang Huschner: Hoch- und spätmittelalterliche Fälschungen und Kopien ottonischer und salischer Diplome für Empfänger in Merseburg, Meißen und Naumburg (20.00 Euro)
Guido Cariboni: Le copie dei diplomi regi e imperiali per l’abbazia dei SS. Leone e Marino di Pavia (12.00 Euro)
Gianmarco Cossandi: La tradizione copiale e i falsi per Santa Giulia di Brescia (17.00 Euro)
Gianmarco De Angelis: La tradizione in copia dei diplomi regi e imperiali per la chiesa vescovile di Bergamo (secoli IX–XI) (17.00 Euro)
Nicolangelo D’Acunto: La tradizione dei diplomi imperiali per l’abbazia di Sansepolcro nei secoli XIII–XVI (12.00 Euro)
Simone Collavini e Paolo Tomei: Beni fiscali e “scritturazione”. Nuove proposte sui contesti di rilascio e falsificazione di D O. III. 269 per il monastero di S. Ponziano di Lucca (12.00 Euro)
Thomas Vogtherr: Die Fälschungen der Osnabrücker Herrscherurkunden. Anlass, Wirkung und weitere Verwendung im Mittelalter (12.00 Euro)
Andrea Stieldorf: Die abschriftliche Überlieferung von Herrscherurkunden des 11. Jahrhunderts für Bamberger Empfänger (17.00 Euro)
Andreas Klimm: Ottonische Diplome im Bestand des Landesarchivs Sachsen-Anhalt. Originale, Falsifikate und kopiale Überlieferungen (17.00 Euro)
Mathias Kälble: Original und Fälschung. Transsumpte ottonischer Herrscherurkunden für das Bistum Meißen (20.00 Euro)
Francesco Roberg: Original, Abschrift und Fälschung in Hersfeld. Versuch einer Synthese anhand der Herrscherurkunden (12.00 Euro)
2017, 332 pages, hardcover, 114 ill., 21 tables, 1 map, indices, 24 x 32 cm
ISBN: 978-3-938533-60-4
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