Sovereign charters to addressees in Lotharingia, Northern Italy, and Saxony (9th–12th Centuries)

I diplomi dei sovrani per i destinatari in Lotaringia, Italia settentrionale e Sassonia (secoli IX–XII)


Wolfgang Huschner/ Theo Kölzer/ Marie Ulrike Jaros]



The different interpretations of sovereign charters in recent diplomatic and historical research, especially with regard to the relations between their legal content and their significance for communication between regional rulers and the souvereigns, as well as the potential of this kind of sources of which our knowledge ist still far from being exhausted, require the continuation of basic diplomatic research. Qualitative advances or methodological changes in diplomatic investigation usually lead to new or modified historical, art-, cultural-, or social-historical interpretations. Documents of the sovereign were the result of negotiations between the recipient and the issuer, in which intermediaries could also be involved. The interests of these three communication and negotiation partners should be taken into account in the examinations of the diplomas. In accordance with the methodological orientation of the series, particular attention was paid to the perspectives of the recipients and the intermediaries.

The diplomatic investigation focused on three main questions:
1. Which stages and characteristics reflect the bilateral or tripartite negotiation process or the contractual nature of the diplomas?
2. What role should the diplomas play at the time of their making?
3. How is the relevance of the external and internal characteristics to be assessed with regard to the various functions of the diplomas?

In order to answer these questions, following the example of Michael Thomas Clanchy, various stages in the »biography« of royal and imperial documents were examined: on the one hand, their origin or prehistory and, on the other hand, their current range of meanings during the lifetime of the exhibitor, recipients, and intermediaries. This required the comprehension of previously and parallelly written documents of various types and issuers, which were directly or indirectly linked to the respective diploma in terms of content or graphics. For this purpose, originals, various pre-documents (sovereign charters, court-recorts, papal deeds, certificates of other exhibitors) as well as parallel written sources (e.g. duplicates of the documents for the same recipient, diplomas for various recipients involved in an agreement) should be used. In addition, there were copies of the originals in various forms (imitating copies of various degrees, court documents, notarial copies, »simple« copies on separate parchments). In order to trace the current spectrum of meanings of the diplomas, their creation should be analyzed regarding different political constellations of the ruling strata or different situations on the issuing and recipients’ side.


Sovereign charters to addressees in Lotharingia
Benoît-Michel Tock: Les diplômes royaux et impériaux pour l’église de Cambrai du VIIIe au XIIe siècle
Alexis Wilkin: Les diplômes reçus par l’église de Liège, IXe–XIIe siècles
Francesco Roberg: Herrscherurkunden für Trier und Trierer Fälschungen. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Mit einem philologisch-diplomatischen Exkurs zu DD Zw. 20–21
Joachim Dahlhaus: Die Herrscherurkunden für die bischöflichen Kirchen von Metz und Toul, 751–1197
Theo Kölzer: Die Herrscherurkunden für das Kloster St. Maximin (9.–12. Jahrhundert)
Andrea Stieldorf: Urkunden als Waffen? Zur Rechtsstellung des Klosters Oeren in Trier
Michel Margue: In ditione et mundiburdio imperii. Herrscherurkunden für das Kloster Echternach zwischen Tradition und Reform
Tobias Weller: Diplome für weltliche Empfänger in Lothringen – eine Skizze

Sovereign charters to addressees in Nothern Italy
Reinhard Härtel: Herrscherurkunden für das Patriarchat Aquileia: Wann? Wozu?
Antonella Ghignoli: Diplomi dei Salii per la Chiesa arcivescovile di Ravenna e critica del testo nel lavoro dello storico
Karina Viehmann: sibi et ecclesiae suae. Herrscherurkunden für Parma 877–962
François Bougard: Les diplômes des fonds ecclésiastiques de Plaisance
Marie Ulrike Jaros: Bischöfliche Schenkungen und eine „imitazione brutta“. Das Diplom Berengars I. †8 im Kontext der urkundlichen Überlieferung für die Canonica Sanctae Mariae von Reggio Emilia
Michele Ansani: Diplomi per S. Salvatore di Pavia
Sebastian Roebert: Herrschaftsverhältnisse im Spiegel der Urkunden. Die Diplome des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts für Santa Maria Theodota zu Pavia
Nicolangelo D’Acunto: Diplomi regi e imperiali per il monastero di S. Ambrogio di Milano
Cristina Mantegna: San Sisto di Piacenza e i suoi diplomi: riflessioni sulla documentazione pubblica di età carolingia
Paolo Cammarosano: Diplome für weltliche Empfänger in Oberitalien und der Toskana, 850–1013

Sovereign charters to addressees in Saxony
Thomas Vogtherr: Die Diplome des 9.–12. Jahrhunderts für die bischöfliche Kirche von Halberstadt
Wolfgang Huschner: Salische Originaldiplome für Merseburger Empfänger
Claudia Krahnert: Der Einfluss der Stifterfamilien religiöser Frauenkommunitäten im Spiegel der Urkunden. Die Bestimmungen zur Äbtissinnenwahl und zur Vogtei in den Urkunden der Klöster Quedlinburg, Gandersheim und Drübeck im Vergleich
Karl Heinrich Krüger: Das D F. I. 11 von 1152 als Magna Charta. Zur Entwicklung der Corveyer Immunitätsurkunden
Ingrid Würth: Pro statu eciam et incolomitate imperii nostri. Kloster Nienburg an der Saale im Spiegel seiner Herrscherurkunden (10.–12. Jahrhundert)


2020, 416 pages, hardcover, 57 ill., 18 tables, 1 map, indices, 24 x 32 cm
ISBN: 978-3-938533-43-7


Additional information

Weight 2.2 kg


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I diplomi dei sovrani per i destinatari in Lotaringia, Italia settentrionale e Sassonia (secoli IX–XII)


Wolfgang Huschner/ Theo Kölzer/ Marie Ulrike Jaros]

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