Papal deeds of the 12th century: Ceremonious charters

Irmgard Fees/ Francesco Roberg]

Digitale Urkundenbilder aus dem Marburger Lichtbildarchiv älterer Originalurkunden – DIGUB 2/III



Digital reproductions of documents from the Marburg photo-archive of older original deeds – DIGUB 2/III

The papal chancellery was the most productive issuer of deeds during the European Middle Ages. The ceremonious charters belong to the most splendid among the papal documents. As “a propaganda-poster of the papacy” Peter Rück called these impressive deeds, “which do not have something equal within the medieval world”. The present volume shows 30 ceremonious charters of the 12th century (until 1197) on 32 tables. All important popes and antipopes were taken into consideration. The deed issued by pope Lucius III to St Alban before Mainz in 1184, certified by bishop Henry II and several canons of Worms in the 13th century, and carrying their seals was also included, even if its genuineness is questioned.
The illustrations obviously demonstrate, how the papal charter is developing during the first decades of the 12th century and how it obtains its characteristic appearance around the middle of that century, preserving it over nearly 200 years.

Library-Edition, cloth-binded portfolio – content identically equal to Study-Edition

2010, 32 tables, 10 pages – format: DIN A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), ill. black and white;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-20-8

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Weight 1.4 kg

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