If the whole world pays homage to the genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then – Saxony cannot be missing. After all, the well-traveled artist made stops in Dresden and Leipzig on his way from Vienna to Potsdam and Berlin – a fact that surely is not generally known. Mozart was able to maintain and re-establish important contacts on his way. In Dresden he was convinced of the high level of music of the court chapel and the opera, in Leipzig he was enthusiastic about the St-Thomas-Choir with the motet by Johann Sebastian Bach “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied”.
The tremendous reception of his works after Mozart’s death was promoted by Friedrich Rochlitz in the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung through reviews and “guaranteed anecdotes”. The same journey as Mozart in 1789 took Beethoven seven years later, which shows the immense importance of the central European cultural axis Vienna – Prague – Dresden – Leipzig – Berlin.
In this volume, ten articles describe and discuss various aspects of musical life in Dresden and Leipzig during Mozart’s stay in both cities. Thus, musical practice in the residence and in the burgher-town are discussed, as is Masonic musical work by Johann Gottlieb Naumann, the work of the St-Thomas-Choir as well as that of the Leipzig organist and friend of Mozart Carl Immanuel Engel, the performance of Mozart’s operas in Middle Germany since the end of the 18th century, the role of Leipzig’s music publishers in the spread of Mozart’s music, and finally the works that Mozart wrote for his Leipzig admirers and colleagues. At the close of the book, one can find the re-edition of Rochlitz’s “Guaranteed anecdotes from Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart’s life, a contribution to the correct knowledge of this man, as a person and artist”.
Ortrun Landmann: Zu Mozarts Aufenthalt 1789 in Dresden
Kornel Magvas: Mozart, Naumann und die Königliche Kunst. Eine freimaurerische Spurensuche
Hans-Joachim Schulze: „So ein Chor haben wir in Wien, und hat man in Berlin und Prag nicht“.Mozarts Begegnung mit dem Leipziger Thomanerchor und den Motetten Johann Sebastian Bachs
Johannes Forner: Mozarts „musicalische Academie“ im Gewandhaus
Brigitte Richter: Die Leipziger Erstaufführungen der Opern Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts im 18. Jahrhundert – ein Beitrag zu ihrer Aufführungsgeschichte
Clemens Harasim: Carl Immanuel Engel. Schlossorganist der kurfürstlich-sächsischen katholischen Hofkapelle in Leipzig – ein Freund Mozarts
Brigitte Richter: „Eine kleine Gigue für das klavier, in das Stammbuch des Hr: Engel.“ Die „Leipziger Gigue“ (KV574) von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Axel Beer: Mozart in Leipzig – und niemand verlegt etwas von ihm
Claudia Forner: Ein Rebell im Wechsel der Zeiten. Über Mozarts Don Giovanni in der Leipziger Operngeschichte
Birgit Heise/Bruno Kliegl: Extra-Concert im Gewandhaus auf einem Lieblingsinstrument der empfindsamen Zeit – Gastspiel von Marianne Kirchgessner mit Mozarts „Quintetto KV617
2020, 288 pages, 90 mostly coloured illustrations, hardcover, 18 cm x 19,5 cm
ISBN: 978-3-938533-70-3
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