In his study Mihailo Popovic devotes himself to the history of the Via Traiana from ancient times to 1600, focusing mainly on the years after 1526. To this two-part-presentation corresponds a different methodological procedure: The presentation of the “Heerstrasse” (military road) – at the beginning of this book more chronologically examined by analysing different kinds of sources – takes the single stages of the way between Budapest and Istanbul into consideration as a picture of local conditions during the second half of the 16th century. Many travellogues written at that time allow this different perspective.
This work is completed by an extensive bibliography, a chronological list of the travel-literature used and the potted biographies of its authors as well as an index of names and places.
2010, 222 pages, paperback, 6 maps, 15 x 21 cm / 2nd, corr. edition;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-07-9